
Describing smoke and taking bearings on smoke

Describing Smoke - Smoke Ain't Just Smoke

Is the smoke:
  • a rising column;
  • a rising column with cloud on top;
  • a steady column or boiling up (i.e. obvious rolling movement as the smoke rises, often with a mix of colours);
  • in a column straight up or is it blown to the side (if the latter, to which side is it being blown from your point of view - to the left or right);
  • in multiple column;
  • only a cloud of smoke, not rising;
  • a cloud / column of smoke clearly being blown sideways by the wind, with a sharp upwind edge and a vague downwind edge (see "Taking Bearings on Smoke" below).
Colour of Smoke

Is the smoke white, grey, brown, black?

Taking bearings on smoke

If it is a narrow column of smoke take a bearing on the middle.

If it is a broad column take bearings on both sides.

If the smoke is being "smeared" by the wind, take one bearing on the upwind side.  That's likely to be an area with flame below it, unless the source of the smoke is behind a ridge from you, but in any case, upwind is going to be a more accurate indication of fire location than the downwind side of the column.

After Reporting the Smoke Sighting

If you are able to do so, keep an eye on the smoke for half and hour or so after reporting it.

Has it died down somewhat, or disappeared?  That might suggest someone burning off a heap of branches and will be useful information for the Coordinator.

Has the original sighting been followed by a series of columns forming a line?  This could be indicative of an arsonist lighting multiple fires (e.g. along a road). It might also be someone burning off along a fence line or fire break, so don't jump to conclusions.  But do report what you see to the Coordinator.

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